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  • Japa Kit

    Original price was: $20.00.Current price is: $15.00. Add to cart
  • Bhagavad Gita As It Is

    Original price was: $15.00.Current price is: $9.95. Add to cart
  • Srimad-Bhagvatam First Canto

    The first canto of Srimad Bhagavatam chapers 1-8 only.
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  • Srimad-Bhagavatam – 18 Volume set – New Printing

    Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam is the summum bonum remedy for suffering humanity in the clutches of māyā. Śrīla Vyāsadeva therefore first of all diagnosed the actual disease of the conditioned souls, i.e., their being illusioned by the external energy. He also saw the perfect Supreme Being, from whom the illusory energy is far removed, though He saw both the diseased conditioned souls and also the cause of the disease. And the remedial measures are suggested in the next verse.Introduction The conception of God and the conception of Absolute Truth are not on the same level. The Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam hits on the target of the Absolute Truth. The conception of God indicates the controller, whereas the conception of the Absolute Truth indicates the summum bonum or the ultimate source of all energies. There is no difference of opinion about the personal feature of God as the controller because a controller cannot be impersonal. Of course modern government, especially democratic government, is impersonal to some extent, but ultimately the chief executive head is a person, and the impersonal feature of government is subordinate to the personal feature. So without a doubt whenever we refer to control over others we must admit the existence of a personal feature. Because there are different controllers for different managerial positions, there may be many small gods. According to the Bhagavad-gītā any controller who has some specific extraordinary power is called a vibhūtimat sattva, or controller empowered by the Lord. There are many vibhūtimat sattvas, controllers or gods with various specific powers, but the Absolute Truth is one without a second. This Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam designates the Absolute Truth or the summum bonum as the paraṁ satyam.(SB 1.7.5 Purport) The material miseries of the living entity, which are superfluous to him, can be directly mitigated by the linking process of devotional service. But the mass of people do not know this, and therefore the learned Vyāsadeva compiled this Vedic literature, which is in relation to the Supreme Truth. (SB 1.7.6)
    Original price was: $270.00.Current price is: $250.00. Add to cart
  • Srila Prabhupada Lilamrita – 7 Volume Set

    This is the fascinating biography of an extraordinary saint, scholar and religious leader: His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. The movement he started is now known to millions around the world, yet he himself remained in the background, without personal ambition. The riveting story of Srila Prabhupada’s life will make you wonder how the world has largely missed this saint who recently walked among us. As a sociological, philosophical, or religious study, Srila Prabhupada’s life story stands tall as a unique contribution to millions of individuals and to the world. Srila Prabhupada was a true holy man (sadhu) of deep intellectual and spiritual sensitivity-he had deep concern and compassion for a society which, to such a large degree, lacks real spiritual dimension.
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  • Sri Caitanya Caritamrta 9 Volume Set

    The Pastimes of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada In the early sixteenth century the West was on one course, the East on another. In India, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was directing people inward, toward a scientific understanding of the highest knowledge of man’s spiritual nature. Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita is the main work on the life and teachings of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the incarnation of Krishna who appeared in India five hundred years ago. Lord Chaitanya introduced the chanting of the holy names of God as the prescribed method of God-realization for our time. He began what is today called the Hare Krishna movement, since the movement’s founder, Srila Prabhupada, comes in the Chaitanya line of spiritual masters. Lord Chaitanya transformed the face of India in four respects: philosophically, by encountering, defeating and converting the greatest philosophers and thinkers of His day; religiously, by organizing the largest, most widespread theistic movement in India’s history; socially, by His strong challenges to the religious inequities of the caste system; politically, by His organization of a massive civil disobedience movement in Bengal, more than four centuries before Gandhi. This English translation with commentary, by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, reveals his consummate Bengali and Sanskrit scholarship, his intimate familiarity with the precepts of Sri Chaitanya, and his pure devotion to God.
    Original price was: $135.00.Current price is: $125.00. Add to cart
  • Sri Isopanisad

    The Sanskrit words Sri Isopanisad mean "the knowledge that brings one nearer to the Supreme Person, Krishna." As such, Sri Isopanisad directly counters the teachings of modern science, which say that at the root of existence lies not a person but merely abstract laws governing the chance collision of subatomic particles in the vast void of time and space. Individually, we rebel at the proposal that we can be analyzed into lifeless laws and particles. We feel that personality is the solid foundation and unifying principle of our existence. That intuition is correct, says the Vedic philosophy of ancient India, which loudly proclaims the primacy of personality in every sphere of life and knowledge. And the essential Vedic teachings on the universal nature of personality are summarized in the Sri Isopanisad, the foremost of the 108 Upanisads. As translated and explained by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, the most distinguished modern-day teacher of India's spiritual culture and philosophy, the nineteen jewel-like mantras of Sri Isopanisad can release us from the bleak conceptions of impersonalism and put us in touch with the Supreme Person, the fountainhead of all energies and all happiness.
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  • Teachings of Lord Caitanya (Flexi Cover)

    A treatise on factual spiritual life His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada Taking the role of His own devotee, Lord Sri Krishna appeared as Lord Caitanya about five centuries ago in Bengal, India, and began a revolution in spiritual consciousness that has profoundly affected the lives of millions worldwide. His conversations with the great scholars, kings, and mystics of the day form the basis of Teachings of Lord Caitanya, which is a summary study of the dialogues recorded in His biography, Sri Caitanya-caritamrta. The extensive references in Teachings of Lord Caitanya make it an invaluable compendium of devotional Indian philosophy. His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, the foremost scholar and teacher of recent times, represents an unbroken chain of fully self-realized spiritual masters beginning with Lord Krishna Himself.
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  • The Path of Perfection

    The Path of Perfection by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada Founder-Acarya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. The contemporary, thoughtful reader in search of self-fulfillment and a means to attain it will find The Path of Perfection a welcome relief. Herein one will find a clear, intriguing explanation of the philosophy and practice of mankind's oldest system of spiritual development-yoga. His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada (1896-1977) elucidates the philosophy of yoga as explained in the Bhagavad-gita. Through this historical series of talks, Srila Prabhupada offers a brilliant exposition of the methods of Bhakti-yoga, revealing the universal applicability of this simple but all-inclusive form of yoga. He shows how even those who are entangled in the complexity and chaos of modern-day materialistic life can employ this straightforward practice to purify their mind and elevate their consciousness to a state of ultimate happiness.
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  • Topmost Yoga

    Although there are many types of yoga practice, the Vedic literature explains that no matter which practice you choose, success is only achieved when Bhakti is present. The object of yoga, the ultimate goal, is to understand Krishna. Practicing Krishna consciousness means to practice the topmost type of yoga. This topmost yoga system was described by Krishna in the Bhagavad-gita to his most intimate friend Arjuna, and Srila Prabjhupada, the world renowned yoga master expands this idea here for the benefit of society at large.
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  • Spiritual Yoga

    There's material yoga, and there's spiritual yoga. The material kind will make us feel more peaceful, limber, and healthy. the spiritual kind will teach us how to attain a state of ever-increasing transcendental pleasure. In this book Srila Prabhupada teaches the path of spiritual yoga–Krishna consciousness–elaborating on the instructions a divine king named Rsabhadeva imparted to His sons long ago in India.
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  • Science of Self-Realization Hardback

    In this book you will discover the timeless science that great teachers have spoken for millennia. The Science of Self-Realization opens up the secrets of the self within, nature and the universe, and the Supreme Self within and without. Here the world’s most distinguished teacher of the science of self-realization talks about meditation and practicing yoga in the modern age, gaining liberation from the law of karma, achieving super consciousness, and much more. In all the interviews, lectures, essays and letters chosen for this special book, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada speaks with startling clarity and power. He proves just how relevant the science of self-realization is to today’s world and your own life.
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  • Science of Self-Realization (Soft Cover)

    In this book you will discover the timeless science that great teachers have spoken for millennia. The Science of Self-Realization opens up the secrets of the self within, nature and the universe, and the Supreme Self within and without. Here the world's most distinguished teacher of the science of self-realization talks about meditation and practicing yoga in the modern age, gaining liberation from the law of karma, achieving superconsciousness, and much more. In all the interview, lectures, essays and letters chosen for this special book, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada speaks with starling clarity and power. He proves just how relevant the science of self-realization is to today's world and your own life.
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  • Raja Vidya

    Raja-vidya – The King of Knowledge How can you know which knowledge stands regally above the rest? If you’re ready to inquire sincerely into transcendental subjects, you’ll get answers in this book. Enter into the secret of secrets, hold in your hand the king of all knowledge, and open your mind and heart to comprehend what is beyond the limitations of this world.
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  • Prabhupada Condensed Lilamrita

    The worldwide fame of His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, later known as Srila Prabhupada, was to come after 1965–after he arrived in America. Before leaving India he had written three books; in the next twelve years he was to write more than sixty. Before he left India he had initiated one disciple; in the next twelve years he would initiate more than four thousand. Before he left India, hardly anyone had believed that he could fulfill his vision of a worldwide society of Krishna devotees; but in the next decade he would form and maintain the International Society for Krishna Consciousness and open more than a hundred centers. Before sailing for America, he had never been outside India; but in the next twelve years he would travel many times around the world propagation the Krishna consciousness movement. Although his life’s contribution may appear to have come in a late burst of revolutionary spiritual achievements, the first sixty-nine years of his life were a preparation for those achievements. And although to Americans Prabhupada and his teachings were an unknown sudden appearance–“He looked like the genie that popped out of Aladdin’s lamp”–he was the stalwart representative of a centuries-old cultural tradition.
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  • Perfection of Yoga

    The Yoga of Divine Love... A world-renowned yoga master cuts through the commercialism that now clouds the real meaning of yoga. His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada explains that beyond the postures and exercises, the ancient teachings of yoga aim at lasting, loving union with the Supreme.
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  • Perfect Questions / Answers

    Just try to learn the truth by approaching a spiritual master. Inquire from him submissively and render service unto him. The self-realized souls can impart knowledge unto you because they have seen the truth.” (Bhagavad-gita 4.34) According to this instruction there are three qualifications for the novice: 1. Visit the guru. 2. Inquire without challenging. 3. Assist the guru in some way. The Gita suggests that the guru can “impart knowledge” when these three conditions are met. My intention in visiting Srila Prabhupada was to explore rather than contend. After meeting and studying many self-proclaimed instructors, I was extremely skeptical, yet Srila Prabhupadada’s followers intrigued me. Once I got past their zealousness, I found a genuine blend of mysticism and renunciation along with convincing explications. I resolved to spend my time with Srila Prabhupada learning rather than challenging. Later on I could always decide to accept or reject what I had heard. In this way I met the first and second of the Gita’s three credentials. The famine relief program of the Krishna movement also occupied my day, so I was able to meet number three as well. From Srila Prabhupada’s point of view I was following the Gita’s edicts: hence Perfect Questions. Meanwhile, Srila Prabhupada answered my questions based on the prescription from the Gita (4.2): “This supreme science was thus received through the chain of disciplic succession, and the saintly kings understood it in that way.” Srila Prabhupada answered my questions based on the ancient system of disciplic succession–repeating what he had heard from previous authorities, and not making anything up. Thus I had Perfect Answers for my respectful questions, presented by a humble messenger of his predecessors. ... May reading my conversation with Srila Prabhupada lead you to your own perfection. – Excerpt from the Introduction by Bob Cohen
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  • On The Way to Krsna

    We are all searching for happiness, but a few of us know that the basis of real happiness is something eternal, beyond temporary material things. We are trying to get happiness through this temporary material body; therefore we are frustrated. The spirit soul is eternal, and the Supreme Lord is eternal; therefore reciprocation of their loving exchanges is eternal. By Krishna consciousness we can relish spiritual happiness as we make spiritual progress.
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  • Nectar of Devotion

    The Complete Science of Bhakti-yoga by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada The Nectar of Devotion is Srila Prabhupada's summary study of Bhakti-rasamrita-sindhu ("The Ocean of the Pure Nectar of Devotional Service") by Rupa Goswami, a direct disciple of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Readers will find in The Nectar of Devotion many interesting and instructive pastimes of Krishna and His devotees, from a variety of Vedic scriptural sources, each meant to illustrate a particular aspect of rasa—relationship with Krishna—and to show how each manifests practically in one's life. Srila Prabhupada specifically composed The Nectar of Devotion as an essential volume for practitioners of bhakti-yoga, Krishna consciousness. Part one consists of four "waves," the first being a general description of devotional service. The second concerns the regulative principles for executing devotional service, and the third wave, devotional service in ecstasy. In the fourth is the ultimate goal, love of God. The Nectar of Devotion explicitly describes all these topics along with their different symptoms.
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  • Nectar of Instruction

    ...In all spiritual affairs, one’s first duty is to control his mind and senses. Unless one controls his mind and senses, one cannot make any advancement in spiritual life. Everyone within this material world is engrossed in the modes of passion and ignorance. One must promote himself to the platform of goodness, sattva-guna, by following the instructions of Rupa Gosvami, and then everything concerning how to make further progress will be revealed. ...Then it will be easier to make one’s life successful. Hare Krishna. From the Preface by A. C Bhaktivedanta Swami
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  • Life Comes From Life

    A startling challenge to the modern scientific theory of the origin of life and the universe. Morning walks with His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. "I say to the scientists, 'If life originated from chemicals, and if your science is so advanced, then why can't you create life biochemically in your laboratories?' "They have discovered atomic energy. Now they can kill millions at once. They have simple cleared the way for death. and yet they dare to declare that they will make life!"
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  • Krishna, Reservoir of Pleasure

    Krishna–this sound is transcendental. Krishna means the highest pleasure. Each of us, every living being, seeks pleasure. But we do not know how to seek pleasure perfectly. With a materialistic concept of life, we are frustrated at every step in satisfying our pleasure because we have no information regarding the real level on which to have real pleasure. To enjoy real pleasure, one must first understand that he is not the body but consciousness. Not exactly consciousness, for consciousness is actually the symptom of our real identity: we are pure soul, now merged within this material body.
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  • Laws of Nature

    The Laws of Nature An Infallible Justice Beg, steal or borrow, bribe or cheat, somehow or other get money and enjoy. Or at least survive. In the crazy rush to get ahead at any cost, do we ever stop to consider that we might - just might - be held responsible for our actions? What if the hellish punishments described in the scriptures are actually true? In ‘The Laws of Nature,’ Srila Prabhupada, one of the greatest philosophers of the twentieth century, explains what is sin, and who gets punished for what. The conclusion is unavoidable: most people are headed for a very unpleasant future. It’s no joke. Maybe you should read this book. And find out what to do to clean up your life, before it’s too late.
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  • Krsna Book

    The Supreme Personality of Godhead by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada Krsna (pronounced "Krishna"),The Supreme Personality of Godhead, is a summary study of the tenth canto of the Srimad-Bhagavatam. The Bhagavatam is an encyclopedic, 18,000 verse text—divided into twelve Cantos—chronicling many of Krishna's various incarnations over the millennia. It also describes the creation and cosmography of the material universes, and the lives of many pure devotees of Krishna and how they attained perfection. The tenth canto of the Bhagavatam focuses on Krishna Himself and His activities when He appeared on earth five thousand years ago. In Krishna, The Supreme Personality of Godhead—popularly known as "Krishna Book"—we see the private life of the Supreme Person. Behind all the omnipotence and majesty, Krishna is the all-attractive, fun-loving, perfect person, eternally reciprocating unlimited varieties of loving relationships with His devotees. His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada wrote "Krishna Book" before he had even fully completed his translation and commentary on the Bhagavatam. He wanted people to hear about Krishna the person and His activities, in English, from an authorized representative of the Krishna-bhakti tradition. As he mentions in his Introduction, this was so they wouldn't risk mistaking Krishna to be just another human being and his pastimes as mundane adventure/romance stories. It should be said, however, that fans of adventure and romance will find nothing lacking in this contemporary recounting of Krishna's activities.
    Original price was: $17.00.Current price is: $15.95. Add to cart
  • Krishna Consciousness The Matchless Gifts

    Krishna Consciousness The Matchless Gift "All living entities within the material world are, to varying degrees, afflicted with a type of madness. The Krishna consciousness movement aims at curing man of his material disease and reestablishing his original consciousness."
    $1.95 Add to cart
  • Introduction to Bhagavad-gita As It Is

    The Bhagavad-gita is the greatest of India's ancient spiritual classics. Srila Prabhupada, the Founder-Acarya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, originally translated the Bhagavad-gita in 1967, providing each verse with an illuminating commentary. Having only recently come to the West, he was unable to print the book at that time. Therefore, the introduction which he had written for the Bhagavad-gita was printed first as a separate pamphlet. This booklet is a reprint of the introduction. The reader will find in it a through exposition of the philosophy of the Bhagavad-gita in a clear and straightforward manner. This introduction is important for those who are approaching the Bhagavad-gita for the first time. Unlike other presentations and translations, Srila Prabhupada presents the Bhagavad-gita as it is, free from personal speculations and interpretations. He focuses our attention on what Krishna is actually teaching in the Gita. For all these reasons we are sure you will find this introduction to the Bhagavad-gita to be enlightening and conducive to personal transformation. The Publishers - from the Preface
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  • Higher Taste

    A guide to gourmet vegetarian cooking and a karma-free diet. Thousands of people who say they 'love' animals sit down once or twice a day to enjoy the flesh of creatures who have been utterly deprived of everything that could make their lives worth living and who endured the awful suffering and the terror of the abattoirs. – Dr. Jane Goodall, PhD, conservationist and primatologist Influenced by factors ranging from health and economics to ethics and religion, millions of people around the world are turning to a vegetarian diet. In America alone, one in ten persons considers him or herself a vegetarian. The same is true in the United Kingdom. Actually, five thousand people a week in Britain are becoming vegetarians. For more than twenty years, The Higher Taste has been one of the most widely distributed introductions to vegetarianism. The editors are pleased to provide you here with an improved edition with all-new recipes, including elegant vegan choices and a number of reduced-fat or low-fat recipes. The Higher Taste looks at some of the reasons why people stop eating meat. Also offered here are more than fifty gourmet vegetarian recipes guaranteed to carry you beyond the pleasures of ordinary food into a new realm of epicurean delight. If you ever thought being vegetarian meant eating steamed vegetables and cold salads, you're in for a surprise. In The Higher Taste you'll learn to prepare complete, nourishing, taste-tempting, and healthful meals based on world cuisine. Visit the cooking of Latin America, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East in these pages. These tested recipes have been chosen for their ease of preparation and their cosmopolitan flair. From the Introduction
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  • Great Vegetarian Dishes

    Whenever someone hears about a vegetarian diet, the common question is, “But what can you eat if you don’t eat meat, fish, or eggs?” How sad it’s is to see what advertising has done to us, particularly our young folk! They grow up with the vast majority of food commercials on TV showing them the benefits of deep-fried chicken, fast-food hamburgers, “lite” beer, and the like. Rarely is there mention of the grains, beans, vegetables, and fruits that for centuries have made up the staple diet of most people around the world. So all too often youngsters end up thinking “food” means “meat.” ... I consider the step to vegetarianism, and in particular, the understanding of it, the most important step in my life. It has changed my health for the better, but more importantly, it has changed how I view life. Only after changing to a vegetarian diet did I truly understand the phrase “reverence for life.” When I hear people say, “But a little meat won’t hurt me,” that may be true, but what a selfish way of looking at things. If you asked a cow or a chicken or a fish how it felt about “that little piece”... So wherever you are in your level of understanding about nutrition, give Kurma’s recipes a try. Through his TV cooking series and video tapes, he has helped thousands of people realize the sheer versatility of vegetarian cooking. If you sincerely make the effort to follow his instructions and recipes, you’ll discover a whole new world of enjoyment. You will be amazed at how good food really can be. Happy eating. Excerpt from the Forward by Peter Burwash - Tennis Professional and founder of Peter Burwash International.
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  • Elevation to Krsna Consciousness

    Krishna Consciousness is not an artificial imposition on the mind. This consciousness is the original actual energy of the living entity. In the material concept of life we are busy in the matter of sense gratification as if we were in the lower animal stage. Herein Srila Prabhupada discusses the step by step process of reviving our original peaceful and happy condition.
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  • Easy Journey to Other Planets

    A living being, especially civilized man, has a natural desire to live forever in happiness. This is quite natural because, in his original state, the living being is both eternal and joyful. However, in the present conditioned state of life, he is engaged in a struggle against recurring birth and death. Therefore he has attained neither happiness nor immortality. The latest desire man has developed is the desire to travel to other planets. This is also quite natural, because he has the constitutional right to go to any part of the material or spiritual skies. Such travel is very tempting and exciting because these skies are full of unlimited globes of varying qualities, and they are occupied by all types of living entities. The desire to travel there can be fulfilled by the process of yoga, which serves as a means by which one can transfer himself to whatever planet he likes—possibly to planets where life is not only eternal and blissful, but where there are multiple varieties of enjoyable energies. Anyone who can attain the freedom of the spiritual planets need never return to this miserable land of birth, old age, disease and death. One can attain this stage of perfection very easily by his individual effort. He can simply follow, in his own home, the prescribed method of bhakti-yoga. This method, under proper guidance, is simple and enjoyable. An attempt is made herein to give information to the people in general, and to philosophers and religionists in particular, as to how one can transfer oneself to other planets by this process of bhakti-yoga—the highest of all yogic processes.
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  • Coming Back

    The most comprehensive and comprehensible explanation of reincarnation ever published. Life does not begin with birth or end with death. Exactly what happens to the self after leaving its present body? Does it enter another body? Must it reincarnate forever? How does reincarnation really work? Can we control our future incarnations? Coming Back answers these most profound and mysterious of all questions by presenting clear and complete explanations from the world's most authentic, timeless sources of knowledge about the afterlife. With this book you will learn the science of controlling your present, determining your future, and dramatically changing your life!
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  • Civilization and Transcendence

    If asked how humans have progressed over the past centuries, most people would point to technology and science and the knowledge and luxuries they have brought. But how do these things satisfy the soul’s desire for happiness and eternal life. His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, one of the greatest philosophers of the twentieth century, implores us not to lose sight of our true hankering’s and needs. Technology and science are good and have their place, but shouldn’t distract us from our most important pursuit: to transcend this world and awaken our spiritual nature.
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  • Chant and Be Happy

    The Power of Mantra Meditation Based on the teachings of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada Chant And Be Happy is an introduction to the history, practice, and benefits of mantra meditation, and specifically the significance of chanting the Hare Krishna Mantra. Also known as the maha-mantra, "great chant for deliverance," Hare Krishna is recommended in many sacred texts as the most effective form of meditation for the present age. Since the 1960s and '70s, this mantra has gained world popularity, partially due to its inclusion in the #1 song "My Sweet Lord" by George Harrison. The book contains a conversation between the Hare Krishna movement's founder Srila Prabhupada, John Lennon, George Harrison, and Yoko Ono on what makes a mantra genuine and effective. It also discusses the scriptural origin of the mantra, as well as step-by-step instructions for chanting.
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  • Bhakti-yoga, art of eternal love

    Here what we call love is alll too temporary, but in the kingdom of God the profound loving exchanges Lord Krishna enjoys with His dearest devotees are eternal. Bhakti-yoga teaches us how to enter into that realm of eternal love.
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  • Beyond Illusion and Doubt

    Beyond Illusion And Doubt is a compilation of conversations between Srila Prabhupada and some of his disciples, comparing Vedic wisdom with Western philosophy. Despite studying the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence for thousands of years, Western philosophers have not been able to explain the self, the cosmos, and our place in it as comprehensively as the Vedic writings of ancient India, which are known as apaurusheya, "not of human origin." "To err is human" applies equally to the layman and the philosopher. Most philosophers tend to arrive at a different set of answers to life's fundamental questions. This constant overhauling of philosophies throughout Western history can make the study of philosophy frustrating, especially for anyone seeking practical answers to life's important questions. The underlying verdict is that while many philosophers became famous by being blessed with a partial revelation of the Absolute Truth, Krishna consciousness means knowing the Absolute Truth in full—as the Supreme Person. No amount of speculation can reveal such knowledge, and anyone who comes in contact with it becomes joyful and freed from anxiety.
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  • Beyond Birth and Death

    We often think of "life" as a relatively short span of time in between our birth and our death we celebrate birth as "coming into life" and mourn for the "dead"when in fact life is an unending continuum, and what we call "birth and death" are merely bodily changes. This is Krishna's beginning instruction in the Bhagavad-gita; for the self there is neither birth nor death. We're all eternal spiritual beings, meant to live eternally in relationship with the Supreme Person. The joy we experience once we understand the difference between our self and our material covering cannot be overestimated. Beyond Birth and Death was prepared from transcripts of lectures Srila Prabhupada gave in 1966 on the second and eighth chapters of the Bhagavad-gita.
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  • Teachings of Lord Caitanya (Hard Cover)

    A treatise on factual spiritual life His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada Taking the role of His own devotee, Lord Sri Krishna appeared as Lord Caitanya about five centuries ago in Bengal, India, and began a revolution in spiritual consciousness that has profoundly affected the lives of millions worldwide. His conversations with the great scholars, kings, and mystics of the day form the basis of Teachings of Lord Caitanya, which is a summary study of the dialogues recorded in His biography, Sri Caitanya-caritamrta. The extensive references in Teachings of Lord Caitanya make it an invaluable compendium of devotional Indian philosophy. His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, the foremost scholar and teacher of recent times, represents an unbroken chain of fully self-realized spiritual masters beginning with Lord Krishna Himself.
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